Let me put y’all on: Ppl with majority of their planets below the horizon (1H-6H) will ALWAYS need some type of help from someone to get where they want to go! It’s very hard for us to be seen by others even if we’re very talented.

I have ALL of my planets below the horizon except my 10H Leo Saturn. It’s hard for me to get noticed for things UNLESS it’s my work (Saturn). Because I have this 1 planet above the horizon I might get noticed every now & then but I still need help. Ex...
I made that NN tweet yesterday about 5H & 11H NN’s. I’ve tweeted better things before but that was one of my only tweets that got recognized. It’s becuz I tagged @iJaadee I did this becuz she was the 1st person I ever saw say 5H=time together & 11H=time apart.
So I got the idea from her but if she never retweeted it I wouldn’t even have 100 followers right now, I would still have 48. Sometimes it’s frustrating becuz it’s like u can’t get anywhere on ur own. But I think it’s like this becuz we, below the horizon ppl, need to learn—
—to ask for help. Becuz we try to rely on ourselves too much.

(Btw I have a Rx 10H Leo Saturn & a Leo noticed my work)
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