Hi everyone,
I started a journey as a content creator around April 2020, blogging mostly about how to build projects with 🐍.

In the last 5 months, I began a new journey as an opensource contributor, and up to date I have contributed to 8 different packages

keep reading 💭
In this thread, I'm going to share my journey as 5 months old open-source contributor and my thoughts on contributing to opensource.

So the Journey started in December 2020 when Vodacom released their public Mpesa Payment API.

I read the source code their implementation ...
I hardly understood it, and usage seems unpythonic to me, so I convinced myself it could be better than that.

I then opened a repo on GitHub for its new Implementation and then did some coding and published it to PyPI


It now has over 1.9K downloads
It was so fulfilling to me seeing other people using the package I crafted and thought I could do more to opensource.

That single action to contribute to the Mpesa package helped overcome the imposter syndrome of feeling unskilled enough to contribute.

keep reading 💭
The same month I opened a new repo titled pyswahili, while procrastinating preparing a talk for Pycon Tanzania, envisioning to be the Swahili version of python.

Even before I pushed a single line of code, the repo gained 4 stars and I said to myself I need to make it real.
I after a couple of days I managed to come with an early model with a couple of bugs, later the repo gained some new contributors and recently I managed to port to PyPI.

It has now been downloaded by over 0.8K https://kalebu.github.io/pyswahili/ 
The third package arose when I came across a repository consisting of location data of Tanzania as CSV

I then thought how about if we packagize those data for easy accessibility and usage

which leading creating mtaa, a python package that does that. https://kalebu.github.io/mtaa/ 
What I have learned? and why should contribute

1. Personally open-source have transformed me in terms of perception and excellence in writing code that code examples ever did

2. Your contribution to open-source projects can act as your portfolio(with evidence), it shows people
How you write code and can help you land gigs, I recently worked with a client who reached out only after going through my GitHub.

3. You don't really to be an expert to contribute

To me, the journey has just started, I think you have every reason to start contributing too
You can follow @j_kalebu.
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