You want five days a week in person schooling? That’s way safer and more feasible if sectors other than education who have clearly demonstrated that workers get MORE done remotely, STAY REMOTE.
Then repurpose that office space for classrooms. Let kids learn in a building that’s UP TO CODE. Let classrooms have breathing room.
Also if you don’t want to increase the salary then at least HIRE MORE STAFF so that any individual employee has fewer students/caseloads/messes each. Actually do both. Also fully 1/2 of the day needs to be planning and grading time. That needs to be standard full time.
Also invest in SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL. The more kids bike and walk the less space you have to set aside for buses and (shudder) kiss and ride. That space too can be reclaimed for learning and playing. And kids will be better prepped for PE.
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