Lots of speculation that yesterday's massacre in Rio was a deliberate effort help police-linked milĂ­cias take over Jacarezinho by softening the Comando Vermelho's long-standing hold on the community.

Plausible, chilling, but not most important. THREAD👇 https://twitter.com/renagalo2/status/1390722600243015685
First, regardless of whether it was deliberate, this police action DOES benefit milicias by weakening the CV directly. If Jacarezinho ends up being taken over by milicias, you can be sure that this operation will have played a part.
MilĂ­cias charge residents for "protection" from drug gangs. Partly that's just euphemism for extortion; drug trafficking still goes on. But residents of milicia-controlled neighborhoods really are protected from a terrifying form of violence: police operations.
The fact that the police rarely invade milĂ­cia territory, and frequently invade CV territory, gives the milĂ­cias a very real advantage, one that--anecdotally anyway--residents of milĂ­cia areas recognize.

Deliberately or not, this favors milĂ­cia expansion.
But we shouldn't get distracted from what we DO know.
Just as debate rages over whether Colombia's Alvaro Uribe was literally a paramilitar, it rages over whether Bolsonaro is a miliciano.
But we know for sure that he leads a political movement that empowers and fuels milicias.
As anti-milĂ­cia activist Marcelo Freixo puts it, MourĂŁo's comment distills and legitimizes the milĂ­cia ideology. "Milicia isn't just an article in the criminal code, it is a social project that puts violence and terror above the law." https://twitter.com/MarceloFreixo/status/1390705629606682632
Milicias, I predict, will spread from Rio to take over urban peripheries throughout Brazil, just as CV and PCC-like "factions" did in the 2000s. Call it #milicianization.

And as we learned w Trump & the alt-right, top-down legitimation can play a key role in the spread.
The only chance against #milicianization is early detection and treatment, neutralizing forces that strengthen milicias. That is why it is so important to understand how violent policing favors milicias---even without deliberate or formal collusion.
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