i’ve passed on so many seemingly huge opportunities just to maintain my integrity and distance from people/groups that i felt did not align with my values. subsequently i have the freedom and vision to create a world i can be proud of & i have no regrets. highly recommend.
what made it super easy also is that almost every “huge opportunity” wrt career also came with some expectation of social or sexual access to me on top of my music/art/labor.
can’t tell you how exhausting it is that this happens so frequently and that the afab person often gets called “messy”, “ungrateful”, and whorephobic remarks made about them in the fallout. when it’s industry men who don’t uphold any professional standard of conduct whatsoever.
i present myself as a sexual being bc it’s my right to express myself in whichever way i see fit, and bc i want others to feel entitled to that right for themselves. it’s not an invitation for exploitation, nor does it undermine my talent, scope, and legitimacy as an artist.
i also present myself as a lot of other things mind you...but yea none of you thirsty ppl care, i get it. just come correct or don’t come at all cuz yr lonely dicks and asian fetishes is not my issue, thanks 🔪
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