There are many reasons why people aren't going back to work. The chamber of commerce& left wants u to concentrate on the unemployment benefits. Don't fall for it. They don't want u to talk about
1. Economic shift
2. Schools closed/child care
3. Covid/gov regulations
4. A year+ of working from home for some and being unemployed for others has changed people's desire to go back to "work".

Many people have found they don't need to work because it's cheaper to stay home raise their kids.

It's a very complex issue and those pushing only one
Side of the equation has a reason for doing so. The left would love a fight over a "liveable wage" while CEOs want cheap labor. It's an argument the CEOs can't win even if they do "win" the debate.
I'll admit I didn't really think it through until now and just assumed the "paying people to not work" argument seemed an "easy" answer. Only after thinking about why the media was pushing the narrative did I stop and think more on the subject.
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