Rod Rosenstein may finally end up getting what's coming to him for betraying the country...1/
2/ Arguably the biggest traitor during the entire Trump debacle was when Rod Rosenstein – who had appointed Special Counsel Mueller in the first place – was revealed to have been sabotaging Mueller’s investigation from the start, and then helped Bill Barr bury Mueller’s findings.
3/ We wondered when Rosenstein would finally get called for his role in one of the most egregious instances of felony obstruction of justice in American history. When a federal judge slam dunked Bill Barr this week, the judge also made things rather ugly for Rosenstein.
4/ Attorney Schwenk reviewed the judge’s ruling and concluded: “I have just begun to dig into Judge Jackson’s ruling re: the March 24, 2019 Memo on prosecuting Trump for obstruction. It looks very bad for Rod Rosenstein.
5/ Schwenk then posted a lengthy thread detailing how Rod Rosenstein appears to have played a particularly ugly role in the conspiracy to obstruct justice in the name of protecting Donald Trump.
6/ If the DOJ ends up indicting Trump and Barr for obstruction, Rosenstein could end up indicted with them.
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