fuck it i’m making a thread of my comfort things
comfort movies - the princess diaries movies, coraline, and the first live action maleficent
comfort shows - the good place, black mirror, and glitter force
comfort album - nothing happens by wallows
comfort songs - heat waves by glass animals, a soulmate who wasn’t meant to be by jess benko, cloud 9 by beach bunny, coffee breath by sofia mills, and forever by labrinth
comfort celebrity/ idols - Jameela Jamil and YeJisu (but that’s to be expected)
comfort characters - Tahani Al-Jamil from The Good Place and Diona from Genshin Impact
comfort ships - Yejisu, Ryuryeong, (kinda obvious) and Wheesa

i care them very much :3
end of thread!! thank u for reading!! <3
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