Rupar evolving from naked partisan flacking to straight up fake news.

The reporter might work for Newsmax but she says nothing that isn't widely-reported basic fact. Rupar goes farther than the admin itself in reflexively calling the lab leak hypothesis a "conspiracy theory."
Which part is a conspiracy theory? That NIH funded bat coronavirus research done in conjunction with the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Here's a report affirming that from that crazy right-wing MAGA fringe conspiracy outlet, National Public Radio.
Here's more confirmation article expressly devoted to *debunking* the lab leak hypothesis as a "conspiracy theory."
Here's video of Fauci at a conference on gain-of-function research. He refers to NIH's decades of work on influenza viruses and says that "integral to that study has always been the issue of gain-of-function research." (20:21)
Here's the slide he shows when he says it. In case you're unfamiliar with gain-of-function research, he spells it out: it's when scientists "create such mutations" as would make a naturally occurring virus more transmissible or more deadly.
Here's the NIH describing gain-of-function research, specifically in relation to the NIH's work on SARS and MERS coronaviruses.
I could go on and on like this — this stuff isn't hard to find, it's just a google search away. But why research it yourself when you can rely on Aaron Rupar and Vox dot com to just tell you what you need to know: that it's a cONsPiRaCy ThEOrY concocted by QAnon lunatics?
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