if you want to hear my theories on product design, come to my ted talk where I just spend 20 minutes complaining about how fucking terrible this $750 vacuum is
the tl;dr is that it's "designed" to sell for a price of $750, and not much else, basically, and rich people buy this stuff up because they think the expensive thing must be better
it's designed to make you think it's worth it to spend $600 more on a vacuum to make this task easier, but forget the fact that the huge wand makes cleaning cars and other tight spaces really clumsy
I can't help it, it's a VACUUM! GET OVER IT! but someone's job is to literally design this thing, and market it so that they can make you think it's better than the cheap thing

and somehow our economy values that job? lol @ people who say capitalism is more efficient
anyway I think I might have ADHD
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