an informative thread on misophonia

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-misophonia is a disorder that causes people to have strong/abnormal reactions to certain sounds (ie: chewing, dripping water, etc)
-it’s a condition that is actually quite common. but it is more commonly found in people who are afab rather than those who are amab. it is also found in neurodivergent communities (ie: adhd, autism, ocd) because it may be overstimulating for some.
-some of the extreme reactions i previously mentioned could be becoming extremely irritated or enraged. for me, personally, it makes me want to scream and cry, and sometimes even leave the room where the sound is coming from.
-calling us “overdramatic” because of our reactions is tiring. you don’t know what it’s like in someone else’s body, why should this be any different?
-and no, it’s not like nails on a chalkboard, because that is a sound that bothers a lot of people. for people who don’t have it, sounds don’t cause these extreme reactions that i previously mentioned.
-lastly, a lot of the reactions experienced are unpleasant for the person they happen to. and everyone has different sounds that trigger them. so a sound that affects one person, may not affect another.
-that’s all for this thread! feel free to reply with other info and i’ll qrt in the thread!
-also please lmk if i got anything information wrong~ i surely do not speak for the entirety of a community. especially since this is based off of personal experience. any help from others is appreciated!
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