I toured the border last week w other @TXAG execs. We met w Homeland Sec, Customs & Border Prot, Border Patrol, county sheriffs & police chiefs, & TX Dep’t of Public Safety. The experience was eye-opening, sobering, and, at times, infuriating. Some reflections. A thread: [1/14]
1. Border-area law enforcement is at wit's end. They are overwhelmed and have zero support (or even care) from the Biden Administration. [2/14]
2. The flood of illegal aliens pours through the border and then are shipped, either with the help of the federal government or the cartels or both, to cities all over the country. As one police chief noted, this isn't just a border crisis—it's a national crisis. [3/14]
3. Walls—physical walls—work. Anyone who says they don't, or that we just need surveillance technology rather than big mean racist Trump walls, are clueless or lying and gaslighting you. [4/14]
4. The three-legged stool of border security is P.T.I.: Personnel, Technology, Infrastructure. Lack any one and the stool falls. Right now, we have no legs. It's a disaster. [5/14]
5. "Asylum" is an abused term that means everything and nothing. Don't be misled or have your heart strings pulled when the left uses it to trick you into thinking we need more immigration. [6/14]
6. Federal, state, and local law enforcement can't accomplish their core missions because they now spend most of their time babysitting and processing illegal aliens. The rates of all other categories of crime are therefore skyrocketing. [7/14]
7. The cartels control everything. [8/14]
8. The kids are pawns of the cartels. They're deployed by the cartels and are used as the anchor to increase the flood from central and south America into the United States. [9/14]
9. Democrat District Attorneys are often the biggest hindrance to fighting crime and achieving a state of law and order. [10/14]
10. Big Tech is complicit in child sex trafficking & child porn. They hide behind Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. And they are utterly non-cooperative with agencies charged with protecting children. They are liars and aiders and abettors to evil. [11/14]
11. Child molestors, pornographers, and traffickers should be immediately and publicly executed. [12/14]
12. "Once the beachhead is established, the battle is more than halfway over," said one particularly astute sheriff. Illegal aliens and the cartels have already taken our "beachhead"—the US-Mexico border. We're losing. Bad. [13/14]
Bottom line: Biden and the Democrats are overseeing the destruction of our country. I’m proud to be part of a team that’s fighting to save it. [14/14]
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