1/Been thinking a lot about this tweet. No shade whatsoever to @ASME1963, honored for @reveal to be nominated for this award.

But this tweet feeds into a culture, that I don’t want to be apart of.

And as the host, I think It’s on me to talk about it. https://twitter.com/ASME1963/status/1390385605734027266
2/ I started on @NPR in 2008 as a host. Extremely fortunate to start in the host position, doesn’t happen that way for most ppl. I had a great staff. I learned how to be a host and journalist from the ppl that worked with and for me.

I couldn’t have done it without them.
3/But mostly I got the praise.

Not cool.

I made sure to talk about my team because they put in the work and made the material sing. Yes, I was a big part of that, but I was only a part, together we were a whole.
4/ I’ll always be thankful to @tinaantolini @Starecheski @daphall @muzachary and a few others.
5/ At @reveal it’s even more so. We have a big staff and really they do all the heavy lifting.

Those investigations you hear me hosting, were done by the amazing journalist I work with. They make me look good every day.

I’m a part of it, but I’m just a part, not the whole.
6/Podcasting is the most intimate form of media, because I’m talking to you, one on one. It’s us. I value that so much.

But, it’s not just me, it’s all the people with me that’s talking to you.
7/ This is a big deal to me, because it creates a dangerous culture. It’s how abuses happen and people end up leaving the industry.

Elevating a "great person", because they can talk pretty, but ignoring the people that do the work.
8/ I’m a really good host. But I’m only as good as the team that works with me. It’s the same for every podcast you listen to.

The host/creator may have set the vision, but without producers, editors, engineers, & interns, you have nothing.
9/ American Rehab was a revelation. I listened to it just like you. I got a behind the scenes view, and I added little bits, but really, I’m just happy to be along for the ride.
10/ I’m extremely honored to work besides @RadioIke @shoeshine @brettmyers @kjohnsullivan

To have worked with @amyjharris
& my fam @Starecheski

Also big shout to the incomparable @aurabogado and @iff_or for their work and nomination.
11/ PS please forgive any typos. I’m dyslexic and typing in these little boxes is not fun.
12/ Also can’t forget @jimbriggs3 @NandoArruda_ @audioalaa and @brettvsimpson

The amount of editing they have to do to make me sound good… LOL
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