#FERRITIN is being widely ordered these days. Let's dive into the details and learn more about this protein. A short thread for those interested. Covers some history, biology and practical aspects about FERRITIN.

It was discovered in 1937 by Laufbérger but it wasn't until 1972 that an assay was devised to measure serum ferritin.

Ferritin is present in 2 forms
👉 Intra-cellular (in the cytosol)
👉 Extra-cellular

It is a ~450kDa protein.
Has 24 subunits of 2 major types
👉 H : gene on chr 11q
👉 L : gene on chr 19q

Serum ferritin has ⬆️ L: H ratio.

The source of ferritin is not exactly known. Hepatocytes, macrophages etc are postulated to be the source.

Ferritin is the major STORAGE IRON form and serves as a surrogate MARKER for total body iron stores.

Normal serum values: 30-300 ng/ml

1 Iron def anemia
2 Hypothyroidism
3 Ascorbate defeciency

⬆️⬆️Ferritin has many causes:
1 Transfusion iron overload
2 Hereditary Hemsiderosis
3 Inflammation
4 Cancer
5 HLH/MAS cause extreme elevation.

Low ferritin is quite specific for iron def anemia but⬆️⬆️Ferritin ≠ iron overload always. Inflammation etc lead to chronically ⬆️Ferritin levels.

#COVID19 causes⬆️Ferritin because of the inflammatory cytokines.

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