I’m going to do a mini review on a few of my favourite NFT projects over the coming weeks, to start with, in no particular order we have @slimyskater and @SiggiEggertsson’ project the @bktr_io. 1/9 #NFTs #nftart #NFTReview #NFTCommunity #NFTcollectibles #NFTartist #cryptoart
1) We have @slimyskater, this project has been running for a few months now, centred on the enjoyment of skating. They have plans to develop their project into the VR space with the development of avatars. The artist has also expressed interest in developing a VR skate park. 2/9
I have one piece from this project- #6 THE SCIENTIST. The artist describes this piece as, the ‘Guardian of the unknown, the curious, the flora and fauna. The butterfly reveals lost memories. .’ This piece moves and could eventually become a great avatar. 3/9
Slimy also released an older piece on @hicetnunc2000, a photograph with interesting symbolism attached to it- artist comments, ‘sand and marble rocks.. symbolises a skaters greatest enemy, what causes them to fall’. Also potential plans to release works in film and 2D space. 4/9
2) New project by @SiggiEggertsson, it’s called @bktr_io. For a relatively new project it has gained some good traction with a strong initial following. The artist informed me the website is under construction that will contain more information- website live in 1-2 weeks... 5/9
time. But I was given some information I can share by @SiggiEggertsson. Siggi stated that he/she is trying to create unique 1/1 NFTs and there is much more in the pipeline, but for now the focus is on developing the project and timeline... 6/9
There will also be mechanics for creating special looking @bktr_io’, as well as collabs with acclaimed artists. Siggi made an interesting note that he/she see’s NFTs as just a starting point for the project, with the metaverse in some form being in the roadmap. 7/9
I purchased a @bktr_io, I think they’re cool and I’m interested in the future of the project. Like all new projects they could either succeed or fail. I think there is something unique about @bktr_io which is why I decided to buy one. Plus they’re currently cheap to pick up. 8/9
@bktr_io are listed on @opensea if you’re interested.
All the comments I have made on this thread are just things I have picked up on the projects, and are accurate to the best of my knowledge. My reviews are just reviews and are not advise. I hope you enjoy reading them. 9/9
You can follow @LuluXW1.
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