🌞 L-Theanine Thread 🌞

Do you ever get slightly stressed out?
Do you abuse Stims and become a little too crackheadish?
Do you enjoy heavy boozing but hate being hungover?
Do you like green tea > coffee?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Do you enjoy legal drugs?

👇Keep reading👇
What is L-Theanine?

Think of when you have had green tea, it has caffeine but you didn't feel as twitchy or jittery compared to when you drink coffee

Well the reason for this is because green tea has a naturally occurring amino acid which basically counters the caffeine
This amino acid is called ltheanine and tons of people use it daily with coffee.

I don't mind crackhead coffee effects, but most people are normal and prefer to avoid with 200mg ltheanine to 100mg of caffeine (1 cup of coffee)

Think the more you take the chiller you will be
The best way to buy L-Theanine is buying it in bulk powder and then dosing it based on how much you need

So what's the max dose?

Idk, but you can't OD

I have taken big ass doses 5-8g for science and it just leaves you Hella chilling, like a natural Xanax, but overall fine
That said I think this is probably best dosed from 200mg-2 grams

2g+ dose are good for feeling really chilled but tbh 2 grams does the same effect and it won't build tolerance

I also like to mix this with other nootropics or take when coming down from Stims to avoid a crash
If hungover a fat dose will really take away the hurt and help you be able to think

If you need to sleep a fat dose will help you sleep

If yo bitch is stressing you out a fat dose will help you relax and think clearly that she needs to be replaced with a Latina aged 16-23
What exactly are the effects?

think clearly
no emotional female shit
you relax
you can sleep easier
mind isn't racing
hungover way less
way less stim abuse anxiety
goes well with other nootropics to leave you feeling in the zone
no crash
great mood
0 cares
All this summed up, this is seriously one of the best nootropics and is really versatile for any situation where calming effects will help you crush life

100% safe/natural so no worries about addiction or withdrawal like phenibut

I recommend this to everyone sober or GBH
Where to buy?

Amazon or BulkSupplements

I recommend buying a big ass bag of this + always bringing on travels

Seriously this can cure headaches and minor pain, a must when away from your village by the sea

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