>> Games Ranboo should consider playing!

I've seen a lot of people making these threads recently, so I thought I'd make a kind of master thread and put together all the games I see recommended a lot!
I will add the appropriate warnings with each game!

I'm going to keep adding to this thread, so I recommend you mute it if you don't want all the notifs!
>> Shelter

There are three games in the series, where in each you play as an animal trying to survive in the wild. The art style in each of these is beautiful :]

Trigger warning for animal death & potential jumpscares
>> Fran Bow

There are heavy warnings with this one as it is a horror game with a lot of upsetting content, but the game is an amazing experience and I've seen many recommend it!

Full list of triggers here (spoilers): https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/16926 
>> Little Misfortune

A shorter game but still very very good! Made by the same people as Fran Bow, there are quite a few warnings with this one too.

Full list of triggers here (spoilers): https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/20694 
>> Before Your Eyes

Guaranteed you'll cry (either because you're sad or because you're not blinking), a very touching story with cool game mechanics :]
>> Celeste

Another game that made me cry (it doesn't take much to), it's a platformer with a beautiful storyline about someone making their way up a mountain.
>> Getting Over It

A purposefully frustrating platformer where your only goal is to try and reach the peak. There are no checkpoints.
>> What Remains Of Edith Finch

An emotional game about discovering the past of the main character's family. Deals heavily with deal.

Full list of triggers here (spoilers): https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/15941 
>> The Last Guardian

A beautiful game where you befriend a mythical creature. It's about a 12 hour long game, made by the same people as Shadow of the Colossus.
>> Deltarune

If you like Undertale then you should definitely play this. Also made by Toby Fox and set in an adjacent universe to Undertale, 3 characters meet and go on an adventure! Only the first chapter is out so far & you can get it for free.
>> Life Is Strange

Highly recommended by lots of us! An episodic, storyline driven game with multiple endings, focusing on the life of Max, a student who discovers she has a secret power.

Full list of triggers here (spoilers): https://www.doesthedogdie.com/media/15161 
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