1 in 10 people suffer from migraines and it's the most common reason people call in sick from work.

let's talk about why they're not "just a bad headache" (symptoms, stages, comorbidities, triggers & a short survival guide)
the pain from migraines isn't something i can compare to anything else. everyone experiences migraines differently & no two are the same - sometimes the pain is not so severe, or doesn't last more than a few hours. sometimes it can last a week or even get you hospitalised.
for me, the pain often isn't even the worst symptom but because it's the most obvious one, i'll start there

migraine headaches occur behind the eyes and often spread around that area. some people experience pain all over the head.
the pain can begin on one side and move to the other. sometimes it swaps & is sometimes bilateral from the start. photosensitivity (light sensitivity) often exacerbates symptoms, especially pain & nausea.
migraine pain can be anything from a throbbing to a consistent dull ache. i kind of feel as though there were a small group of farmers in my skull trying to pickaxe their way out via my eyeball/s.
because the body shuts down a number of functions during an episode, many people experience intense nausea & often throw up. the stomach pretty much just stops co-operating with the rest of the team - nothing you do will be correct, it's like an angry toddler.
migraines have a profound impact on sensory processing. sounds become too bright, lights & smells become too loud, taste can vanish altogether. i can't handle any light at all but i can listen to background noise like a TV show or podcast (but not music)
ffs twitter screwed up my thread here is the rest of it https://twitter.com/kazADHD/status/1390686815007514630?s=19
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