the fact that the seven archons are usually replaced by a new one when they die is really making me think. while the tsaritsa's plans to challenge status quo in teyvat make it doubtful that liyue will obtain a new geo archon, the people don't necessarily know that, do they?
"I don't think anyone could ever replace Rex Lapis ... but we should choose a new Archon before Celestia does it for us."

"A Geo user who protects the people ... perhaps Lady Ningguang?"

"She's already too powerful; let's not choose anyone from the Qixing."

"Hmm ..."
"Maybe a figurehead would be better. They wouldn't actually have to do anything, just be declared our Archon so no one bugs us about not having one. Of course, they would have to be knowledgeable and respectful towards our history, full of elegance, no one embarrassing ..."
"So a wise and well-liked, reputable Geo user who will mind their own business and not actually do any ruling, but who we can point to with pride if anyone asks?"


Hu Tao: The people have decided to vote for their new Geo Archon.

Zhongli: That's certainly one way to solve the problem.

Hu Tao: They've voted you.

When Childe finds out he laughs so hard he passes out.
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