In most cases, getting rid of a hyper fixation is as easy as simply Not Indulging in it, but has no one talked about how MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY PAINFUL that can be for ppl with ADHD
Like good on you if you can get over your hyperfixation but it still hurts. It hurts so bad. Especially when your fixation isnt a completed source of media and is constantly updating. Just when you think it's gone, it suddenly updates and its JUST AS BAD as before.
But of course no one wants to talk about that. Everyone says it's easy.

I'm here to say it is NOT EASY to get over hyperfixations and we need to stop saying that. If you REALLY want to let a hyperfixation die, you need to brace yourself for the amount of dedication that brings.
This thread is a mess but if you're NT you dont get to tell us whether or not our fixations are easy to get over or not.
Also this is in NO way referring to mcyt so stay the fuck away from me
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