#TheBadBatch Episode 1 Observations:

Minor spoilers ahead.
Last chance to turn away!
So, I'm trying to figure out what the deal is with Omega.

Female clone, sounds like Boba and Jango, looks like a young Palpatine?

In the holding cell, she's watching and mimicking Hunter. It's shown that she's watching him and adjusting her posture or gestures to match his.
But then...
As they're sneaking around trying to get to the hanger, she still mimics his actions.


There's no hesitation, no watching and copying. It appears to be an automatic response, almost like she's paired with him via Bluetooth or something.
I don't know what that means. I haven't acquired enough info yet to propose if it's a Force thing or a clone-sense thing, but there's definitely something funky going on there.

Omega seems drawn to Hunter for some reason, and doesn't seem to be doing the same with the others.
Anyways, that's the mystery that I'm guessing will slowly be unraveled over the course of the first season, much like Grogu's mystery was slowly revealed over a season of The Mandalorian.
Do you all have any thoughts on this? Would love to hear them!
(end of thread)
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