Chief provincial public health officer Dr. Brent Roussin will be cross-examined in court this morning by lawyers for 7 MB churches and 3 people fighting COVID-19 restrictions, arguing they infringe on constitutional freedoms to hold religious and public gatherings. @ctvwinnipeg
Roussin tells court he reports directly to the deputy minister of health and seniors care. He’s asked if there are any social scientists or economists in his department. Roussin tells court not specifically in his dept. tells court most of their time has been focused on COVID-19
Roussin testifies the province’s incident command structure which he co-chairs with Lanette Siragusa was created in anticipation of COVID-19 arriving in the province and it’s focused on the pandemic response.
Lawyer for the applicants Jared Brown asking Roussin about how the virus spreads. Roussin agrees it’s spread mainly though droplets and aerosols he tells court transmission from surfaces not a significant source of spread.
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