Palmer outlines how "settler sovereign landscapes" are created through "particular racial & spatial orderings of people & things" (794), from hierarchies of civilization tied to land cultivation, the way lines are drawn on maps, the way survey tools clear trees. 2/5
If you're looking for receipts for exactly how Haudenosaunee were dispossessed of their land & that land was turned into property (it takes A LOT of work) & how those techniques are aligned with specific European theories & concepts of value, this your text! Details! Quotes! 3/5
I also found this of great value: "Starting from the Haudenosaunee perspective that land cannot be stolen b/c it is a relation and not an object, I ... interpret the social and territorial practices that are continually put to work to maintain Indigenous dispossession" (795). 4/5
I found this to be a hard read. It's rough reading through the systematic, overtly racist techniques of dispossession of the past and present. It also shows Justice Ruth Ginsburg's central role in that dispossession & the recent celebration of her work & life is fresh in the mind
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