Everyone who has understandably been focusing on Covid, the environment, the economy and numerous other issues may have missed the strange debate going on about sex and gender.
When we assert the incontrovertible fact that there are two sexes (something of which every lesbian looking for a sperm donor is acutely aware), we face accusations of “transphobia”.
When we stated in an ad that a lesbian is an adult human female attracted to other adult human females we were accused of “transphobia”.
This is not an obscure dispute within the land of LGBT. It affects everyone. It’s about the difference between facts and beliefs/feelings. It’s about a wholesale effort to rebrand the women’s and LGB rights movements as “transphobic”.
Even this wouldn’t matter if it was an obscure group of shrill campaigners. It’s not. Those prioritizing a feeling called “gender identity” over biological reality are being supported by official institutions and human rights agencies everywhere.
Women’s rights matter. The rights of people with same-sex sexual orientation matter. It is outrageous to see any discussion of women’s or LGB rights being branded as “hateful”. If these rights matter to you, please get informed.
If you have changed your position from being pro the focus on gender identity to a more gender critical point of view, please say in the replies what books, talks, documentaries etc helped to change your mind.
You can follow @BevJacksonAuth.
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