🚀 Here are some things people told me, or My key takeaways from building Makers Rocket.

Here's a thread of 6 different things:
1. Plan before you build

You should never build without planning. I've done this a lot, and It doesnt work. Planning or even thinking about what you want to build, before you build can actually help you.
2. Why you?

@/petecodes told me this a while ago, and I ingored it for a while, yet I found out that you should care about this. Find what makes you differnt from someone else.

You should find something that gives you a whole new personailty, than something else
3. Even if you don't know how

Something Sergio told me, even if you don't know how to build, still build it. You'll get a chance to learn, and if you can't figure it out, don't be worried. Have fun, and learn at the same time.

Not everything will work always.
4. Build a Audience or community

You should always build an audicne before building, or launching. Building an audience allows you to grow, connect, and get feedback.

Audience has helped me so much, build more ideas, and get feedback, it's amazing,
5. Don't be afarid

Don't be afarid of building. You're yourself, and you're vaild about what you're making. Imposter sydmore isn't nice, yet one thing you should know that it's fine, and you can build it no matter what.

Just try, and if it doesnt work, then move on.
6. Ask for help, or admit you don't know

Never Lie, about what you can and can't do. It's not right, and It wont' help. I've done this before, and I feel really bad.

Be honest, and ask for help/feedback, it's going to help you a lot.
That's all everyone!

I'm trying out some thread Ideas, this week and I would love your feedback on this new thread I'm making.

Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to RT this thread, if you enjoyed it
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