The internet has truly rotted people's brains. Everyone on here wants access to "receipts" they're not entitled to see. Sources come forward to journalists, provide them with evidence, and then we fact check, corroborate, and report it. That's literally how it has always worked.
That's journalistic integrity and the basis of all (trustworthy and established) newsrooms. You, as a reader, are not entitled to all the information behind a story just because you want to see it. Some of it is protected under anonymity. Some of it is legally sensitive.
If you don't trust journalism that's your prerogative but read like one article about how it works before you start demanding things you have no right to. And you're more than welcome to do the legwork yourself without the legal help of a newsroom and get sued lol
Seriously if you think you can do a better job on your blog or youtube channel, be my guest. Enjoy the lawsuit. The only reason more people aren't sued for defamation every day is because there's way too much garbage on the internet, and legal action is costly and time consuming.
But hey maybe it's your lucky day! 🌟
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