Roadmap to Master React in 2021
(with project ideas to help in finding jobs)

A Thread 🧵

2. CSS
2.1 Flexbox
2.2 Grid
3. JS
4. ES6
4.1 Higher Order Function
4.2 Arrow Function
4.3 Callback function
React Basic Building Blocks

1. States
2. Keys
3. Forms
4. Hooks
5. Event Handling
6. Lifecycle
7. Virtual DOM
Managing States in React

1. Local Storage
2. Global Storage
3. Redux
4. React Context
5. Flux Architecture
Making React Pretty

1. CSS in JS
2. Styled JSX
3. Styled Components
4. Inline Style
5. JSS
6. Emotion
Advanced React

1. Higher Order Components
2. Portals
3. React Dev Tool
4. Type Checking
5. Optimization
6. Error Boundaries
Unit Testing

1. React Testing Library
2. Jest
React.js Project Ideas

1. Map Statistics Dashboard🗺️
2. Musical Instrument🎚️
3. Personal Portfolio🌐
4. Notebook🗒️
5. Space Invaders Game🚀
6. Framework Theme🖼️
7. Webmentions🔎
8. Zoom Clone📷
Platforms to Find Jobs

1. Twitter .com
2. LinkedIn .com
3. StackOverflow Jobs
4. Upworks .com
5. Freelancer .com
You can follow @AvniGupta_.
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