Q - Are Rina debts?
Yes, but debts not in the way we are taught. These are debts that are intangible unlike say, you repaying a bank loan.
Three kinds of debts exist. 1. Rishirina 2. Pitririna 3. Devarina.
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Rishirina can be paid by adhyayanam (अध्ययनम्) / adhyapanam (अध्यपनम्) meaning to learn the shastras, teaching others, and serving one's guru. The most ideal time is during brahmacharya ashrama.
DevaRina is paid by यज्ञ, Homas, and sacrifices. This must be done more intensely during Vanaprastha. However, I was taught by @mmpandit that if one starts homa early, the better. Earlier the better (age wise)
Will start pitri-Rina in detail next.
Pitri-Rina is fulfilled by starting a family (Grihasta). This must include deeds of charity. This is the debt of the ancestors. This debt is to be paid by successive generations. Our own physical/mental/spiritual existence is due to the pitirs. I will link this to Jyotish.
When we talk of Rina, there is also a sambandha, relationship. If you and I have to interact, there must be some sambandha. This can be weak or strong.
RT :)
Ex. I met a celebrity today at the airport, exchanged a few laughs. It is unlikely that I will do that ever again. Here is sambandha is weak. Rina is weak. no or less bandhana (bondage) Rin+Bandhana=Rinanubandha. Sam = Joined + Bandha(link/bonded) = Sambandha
How do you like this thread on Rina so far?
The bond is most strong when one is born as a child into a family. This starts the Rina both ways. You were born due to the pitris/lineage/gotra/DNA, call whatever you want. There was a debt and hence you arrived.
#Pitri #Rina #Jyotish #Sprituality #debt
We need to pay the Pitririn by vivaha, begetting children as this is the way we pay the Rina. This also strengthens the 2nd house. Remember, the karaka for continuity, the moon gets exalted in the natural 2nd and in Venus's house. The 2nd house also maps to one's gotra.
But what if someone has not married or does not want to marry? In such cases, the continuation of your own sampradaya/customs of your ancestors is advised
RT forward, please. This thread is getting to be longer than I thought. Will keep connecting to Jyotish.
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