2/The ways pupils are being assessed is hugely varied - from schools essentially running an exam diet where pupils will gather later this term in halls en masse, to those spreading out assessments over a longer period and doing them in class time
3/Some pupils face multiple assessments in a day but in other schools assessments have been spread out to ensure they have no more than one a day
4/ @LeadersScotland argues the range of approaches is "perfectly legitimate" given "no child’s or school’s experience will have been the same since they came back in August” - although gen sec Jim Thewliss cautions a big end of term assessment is risky
5/However the range of approaches also means pupils are sitting the same question papers - the 2020 exams that were never used - at different times and already teachers say they are sharing them on platforms like TikTok
6/Teachers also say all the assessment is taking its toll - one teacher describes their pupils as "shells of humans" and another with over a decade of experience says "this is hands down the worst time in my career"

That teacher said staff were being expected to be "superhuman"
However, whilst @LeadersScotland says the system is not perfect - general secretary Jim Thewliss says "no one has come up with a better way of doing it "

Read the full story for all the detail
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