Meanwhile in East London... My take on the election results - and these awful scenes from London typify this - is that the challenge for all politicians is to show that politics works. Forget the spin and all the nonsense and focus on making politics work for people.
Eg we know it’s wrong for people to be stuck in death trap homes. Fix it. Now. It’s wrong people get shafted by unpayable cladding bills that’s not their fault, and builders continue to cash in. Fit it. Now.
Then there’s the climate crises that will make Covid look like a trivial bad holiday. We know this - politics must find a solution. We’re already out of time to fix some aspects, but we still have time to try and fix the worst impacts. The clock is ticking.
Just this week we saw the scandal of millions going into private companies for train leases. The rail system is broken. We need proper investment (at pace), effective leadership, and no more funnelling state cash into private pockets and foreign Govs.
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