Let's do it the Twitter way.
This tweet is going viral (along with my reply) and here are my learnings
👇👇Thread (1/n) https://twitter.com/jainvandana880/status/1390331112291852289
This is my reply in case you want to mess with Twitter algo

1. It's a first so the feeling is very overwhelming. Ngl the validation feels great. Turned off all notifications from Twitter today but unable to resist the instant gratification of ❤️ & ♻️
2. I got like 13 new followers I think. THIRTEEN. While @jainvandana880 is rolling with 600+ and counting.

3. My reply is purely funny it seems and it didn't offend anyone. Nobody took anything out of context. Whew.
4. Neither cute nor creepy DMs. No puns, no pickup lines, no appreciation for the sense of humour or its potential. Of the two, I didn't get "let me be your angel investor"

5. Didn't have to explain women's rights & gender equality to some confused folks, time after time.
6. Nobody accused me of playing the victim card for no reason. Oops.

7. I wasn't reminded about my duty/responsibility to our culture and ancient (outdated) customs. For example, the righteousness of Sati & Dowry today. Oof, safe.
8. Finally, Didn't get attacked by not all men army. đź‘€

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.
You can follow @akshayrk95.
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