Go woke, go broke.

This is bigger than Hartlepool.

Labour lost seats all over...
🔵Tories: Derby, Dudley, Thurrock, Sunderland, Redditch, Nuneaton and Bedworth, Northumberland

đźź Lib Dems: Essex, Sunderland

🟢Greens: Stockport, Northumberland, South Tyneside
They even lost a seat to an independent in Northumberland.

Labour neglected the working class. They need to take a long hard look at their stance on social issues.

Conservatives should be cautious about celebrating their success.

This a Labour loss more than the Tory gain.
Labour has forgotten about the social divide; they no longer care about class.

They've spent too long dividing us, focusing on identity politics, obsessing over our immutable characteristics.

'Woke' politics is political correctness gone mad. It seems people have had enough.
Lastly, Labour turned their nose up at our country.

British people are naturally patriotic. We're understated with it, we're not always as overt as our friends across the Atlantic, but we tend to have a deep unspoken love for our country.

Labour sneered at that, to their loss.
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