‘Winner takes all’ is true of politics too. The swagger and ‘you can’t touch me’ attitude of TMC is reflected in that. Also those who are being blamed in BJP for its loss in WB would have been hailed as master strategists if the results were reverse.
Am no expert on West Bengal but it appears that BJP blew their *only* chance to bring about any real change in that state. I am not referring only to a ‘cultural’ change but in terms of economy and overall well being of the people in that state.
Violence is the first option to handle political adversaries in that state. And its amply evident now. Those who’d take to street protests, boycotts and op-eds over any random incident in BJP ruled states are silent spectators, even approvers.
No point in crying over this double standards. BJP got all its calculations wrong and did not have its finger on the pulse of the people - who have decided to accept more of the same, continuity etc.
But BJP projected an yearning for change and hyped up voter turnouts, election rally crowds and what not. Turns out they were made utter fools of by the people who came out in hordes to vote for continuity.
BJP may take solace in the growth from last year but if they could not win with all guns blazing imagine the hold of TMC in Bengal. I don’t think the same brand of ‘dharmic’ identity which works in UP would work in West Bengal. It has to be localised.
Bengalis by nature are finicky about their identity. Even Marwaris who’ve made Kolkata their home for generations and give so much to the city would still be seen as outsiders by a section of Bengalis. I
In that context, nothing was done to project a local face who believed in the BJP ideology. Recent imports from TMC - that too in hordes, would merely be seen as opportunistic folks, not really committed to a cause
The central leadership at BJP has to take the blame as they allowed themselves to be taken for a ride. And what’s with declaring grand results such as 200+ wins and being bombastic?
I feel sorry for the ordinary BJP worker who has risked life, limb and livelihood to support this party. Even their next generation would dare not defy TMC after the post poll violence - and that was the objective.
Maybe the state will vote differently in national elections but I have little hope for any positive change in the state. Demography is destiny is so true. Consolidation of vote banks is a reality.
Unfortunately there is nothing called a Hindu vote - it’s all divided as the entire community is. Other communities have succeeded in creating a common enemy who must be defeated by voting en bloc. That is not going to be possible in the fractious ‘majority’ community.
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