There is a story that jumped at me and caught my attention as I study the scripture. It came so loud that I had to take some time out to meditate on it. It started like this:
'There was a famine in David’s time. It went on year after year after year—three years. David went to God seeking the reason. God said, “This is because there is blood on Saul and his house, from the time he massacred the Gibeonites.” 2 Samuel 21:1 MSG.
I have being studying the life history of David for a while, his close relationship and dedication to God.
Except for the fact that he lived under the old covenant, David was just like a New Testament believer who was in constant fellowship with God and considered Him relevant to his everyday life.
A dedicated leader (though not without flaws), and king who would always inquire from God before taking major steps or decisions.

Then, in a particular year during his reign, there was famine. Initially they explained it away like,
“ehn, rain didn't start early at the time farmers were planting, so the harvest was not that bountiful’.... first year!

 Second year, famine continued with another flimsy excuse,

“it is a global issue; we are not the only nation affected!”
And then, third year again the famine persisted.

“What could be going on?” David must had thought to himself. And he sought God to find out, please note the words in the scripture,

'David went to God seeking the reason...'
He must had taken time out to pray, meditate or even fast in seeking answers from God. How long it took before God answered, the Bible didn't declare.
All we knew was that he sought God for the reason, so he can know what the solution would be. God in His faithfulness answered, He told him about a generational problem that led to the famine.
And through God's wisdom too, David was able to resolve the issue and the land was restored. You can read the rest of the story in 2 Samuel 21.
It occurred to me that if David had not inquired from God about the famine, it could have continued until the whole land get ravished. Mind you, God didn't have a hand in it.
Rather God exposed to him that an evil was previously done by Saul (the previous king), which had incurred some wraths and consequences against the land. Whether they were aware of it or not, someone did something in the past which brought a repercussion on others.
This is deep and worth meditating on especially if you are experiencing difficulties in a particular aspect of your life or experiencing a cycle of negative happenings which you think should not be especially if you are a new creation, a born-again Christian who is aware of…
…his/her heritage in Christ.
Please note that this scriptural scenario is not a 'jacket that fits all'. In other words, it doesn't mean that it is the exact scenario in every life situation or circumstance and that is why I would not mention any particular instance or category.
However, if as you meditate on this scripture scenario, it resonates with you based on what you are going through, I suggest that you act like David, take time out to seek God concerning the issue.
Scripture says, “.... ‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” Jeremiah 33:2-3 MSG.

Someone could be wondering, 'why should I be affected by something that was done by someone else in the past?'
It is important to note that this whole universe created by God exists by laws and principles, God is a God of order.
There are some cause and effects, laws and principles that bind our existence here which God Himself won't contradict, although He is still Sovereign and can never be limited in any capacity.
For example, the law of gravity works here on planet earth, where humans exist. When you throw things up, it come down. So also, is the law of cause and effects, whatever you sow returns as harvest. God's word says in Genesis 8:22,
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.'

The law of sin and death exists, so also, the law of Spirit and Life!
'because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death' Romans 8:2 NIV
There are natural laws that bring situations to bear naturally. This was the scenario in that particular famine that happened during David's reign. Saul sowed evil and the land was later faced with its consequence.
As much as God loved David and the people of Israel, He didn't intervene in the effects because there was a cause for it already.

(Hmmn, this present plague that is rocking the whole world, it looks like a cause and effect to me oh, let me keep my opinion to myself. Selah)
Glad to know that, it works both ways. Some people today are reaping the harvest of favors, opportunities, goodness that their parents, grandparents or generations before them had sown consciously or unconsciously.
This is why sowing good seeds can never be overemphasized, if you don't reap it in your lifetime, generations after you (if Christ tarries) will sure do.
So, the same way these natural laws and principles exist and take effect without stress, there are also supernatural laws that can supersede and even avert (if evil). Yes, the supernatural controls the natural.
This is our leverage as Christians, our new nature in Christ gives us access to a higher life, a higher realm and authority over the physical or natural world by the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary's Cross and His work of redemption that gives us an everlasting victory.
With the authority of Christ, we can decree anything here on earth, heaven approves it and it goes forth to supersede or abolish any contrary decree against us. According to scriptures,
'Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways' Job 22:28 KJV

We can stand in the authority of Christ to avert any cause or effect by the power in the blood of Jesus. Scripture says,
'Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight' Proverbs 26:2 NKJV

'An undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you. It may flutter over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land' Proverbs 26:2 TPT
Beloved, we are victorious over every unwanted life situation or circumstance. So, if you don't want it, don't watch it, don't fold your arms doing nothing, don't stand aside waiting for God to do something (He might not).
He has given you the capacity to override negative situations by the Spirit of life at work in you. So, take responsibility like David, stand in your rightful position to enforce the victory of Calvary over you.

Be inspired,

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