thinking about c!jack tonight and just. how incredibly lonely he is despite attempting to cover it up with all this anger. he just wants his friends back, he wants them so badly to apologize for what he believes they’ve done to him that he’s made it all he cares about really.
c!jack fails to see the bigger picture in relation to everything. like, wilbur? tommy? tubbo? he’s so desperate to at least hear a simple apology that all their shit is just background noise which i feel is really gonna bite him in the ass in the future.
i feel like around the time c!tommy died there was a vague moment where he finally was able to grasp his emotions and continue on a path of growth. that was a really solid moment for manifold’s character but i feel like ever since tommy’s been revived he’s just taken so many +
+ steps backwards right back into his anger. as much as he deserves his apologies, i believe that him putting so much of his faith back into wilbur JUST because he verbally apologized to him is going to fuck him up in the long run when wilbur inevitably pulls his old bs/ dsmp rp
this thread feels like i stuck a bunch of c!manifold thoughts together and pretended they made sense. but thats okay <3
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