How to Understand the Tory Surge

If none of your family/friends succumbed to covid, then your recent experience of the Tories is likely to be:
- They brought you the vaccine (not true, but...)
- They paid your furlough/supported your business (not true, but...)
Yes, they're arsonists turned firefighters when it comes to the pandemic and the vaccine.

Yes, all that support came via record new debt. Someone will have to pay for it at some point.

But to the average person who doesn't care about politics, Tories wrongly look like saviours.
(Remember, if you're reading this thread, you're already more engaged in politics than 90%+ of people. And that makes you atypical. In a good way, but it still means that your understanding of the situation will be different from that of the proverbial person in the street.)
Bear in mind too that the Tories promised to "get Brexit done" and it is. Much in the same way as someone promising to stop a speeding car brings it to a halt by crashing it into a wall at high speed. But it is stationary. For people who don't care about details, that's job done.
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