I lost my mother age 95 to covid recently. She breathed her last on back seat of car driving her middle of night to 5 hospitals refusing ICU bed. Her final message to me: 1) look after her attendants & villages; 2) her life/death caused by natural law; 3) grieve for Mother India
I decided to downplay announcing this & focus on raising help to send oxy concentrators to India; remain calm & process the macro picture as per her message - that cosmos is speaking back at humanity & we need to introspection our collective karma.
Remarkably brave & clear till the end. She was gold medalist in pre-partition India as medical doctor, one of the first women doctors. Never worked for money, but volunteered her service. Supported women’s causes all her life. Taught by example: to be net giver, not taker.
Both my parents were in the midst of freedom struggle in Punjab & barely survived Partition. Exemplified big picture thinking selflessly & fearlessly.
Mother told me regularly during pandemic: this is as per the logic of the Cosmos, best approach is to perform our karma.
Being a brilliant medical doctor in service of others without any fee, her view of covid pandemic:
-Do one’s best karma for others as per one’s capabilities.
-Let the Cosmos decide the outcomes as per its logic.
-Replace emotions with hard work.
-Best compassion is action.
My mother on Covid: Virus must function as per its dharma (i.e., laws of biology), we can’t question the Cosmos. What we need to do is perform our sva-dharma.🙏
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