what’s going on in Colombia right now that the media will not cover, & social media platforms & government are censoring & blocking individuals to prevent them from speaking about it:
Colombian police are kidnapping citizens, journalists, protestors, children. a leaked statement from a Colombian commander states that they needed to “capture 10 people for the night,” meaning they are planning to capture people.
they are increasing tax rates on food, gas, groceries, feminine hygiene, water, electricity, everything one would need to buy in Colombia is now being taxed up to 19%.
the minimum salary per month in Colombia is $270, equating to $2 an hour. in addition to this, the government is trying to privatize healthcare, making healthcare inaccessible to lower & middle class. they are trying to shut down hospitals as well.
why haven’t you heard about this, you ask? because the Colombian government has shut down access to wifi, electricity, running water, food, data, & internet & phone access. please spread this information so we can help spread awareness for our Colombian friends.
please like, retweet, share to everyone you know, comment to boost the algorithm. our friends in Colombia need our voices, since their government will not allow them to use their own.
please please add more information i missed to this thread, please listen to the voices of Colombians, please check out @/iambetsyv on tiktok for more info
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