Some time ago in a gc some friends were talking about emerging into fitness routines. I was still figuring out what type of exercise is a good fit for me & was slowly realizing that:
🙋🏽‍♀️I like movement but get frustrated when I can't execute steps properly
🙋🏽‍♀️ I like repetition
🙋🏽‍♀️ I prefer standing exercises vs on the ground
🙋🏽‍♀️ I like cardio
Indoor walking checks all these boxes for me, so that's what I do.
I considered the following:
✅ body condition
✅ threshold/endurance level
✅ ease
A lot may dismiss that 3rd one because of the "no pain no gain" mindset, but I have to be able to do it consistently. I have to go at my own pace & push myself according to my level of skill
It feels better when I know I can do it, rather than feel frustrated that I can't, which would only be discouraging & dispiriting in the end. If something makes you feel good after doing it, it's more likely you come back to do it again the next day.
Before you know it, you have a habit. You have a practice. I've been doing this since October, who knows about the numbers re weight lost but Idc. I only know I feel stronger, more focused, have more energy. Less irritable, maybe. That's a forever wip.
His style is non-verbal, he gives cues to the next step via hand gestures, facial expressions. The moves are simple to follow, but you can really get a good sweat out of his sessions. Length varies from 10 mins-over an hour.
👟 Zumba Korea TV. Jay's warmups & cooldowns have been a staple since I started. Some Zumba videos are not my style, but I was comfy enough w/ these warmups & the cooldowns make me finish on a brighter, higher note. 
I'm always on the lookout for new videos, so I may add to this thread as I discover new favorites 😊
You can follow @danicemaepsison.
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