twitter, let’s talk.

you are all shit at ‘educating’ people. y’all fuckin preach that shit but you don’t educate. you send death threats, you harass and doxx, you bully people when they apologize because it ‘isn’t good enough for you’ . -
you force cc’s to apologize without forming their apologies, which gives a lot of miscommunication. it’s horrible. that’s NOT how you educate.
you educate by : telling them CALMLY what they did wrong. then once they’re aware you wait for them to form an apology. you do NOT harass anyone, you don’t have to like the person or what they did, but give them time.
you don’t have to accept the apology, but some people will and that’s okay. twitter is so full of hate even though y’all preach the opposite. do better.
i’m not very good at words so it might not make sense but i can answer any questions you have :) .
if you pqrt please dm me what u said :) ty
i would appreciate an rt or like so more people can see this, some people really need to understand that’s not how you educate people. i want them to hopefully fix the way they’re doing things :)
please educate yourselves
i understand people are allowed to be upset but idling hostility really doesn’t get you anywhere, especially if youre educating. being angry isn’t educating, it’s just being angry
i never said you couldn’t be upset ! i’m saying for educating purposes you should be calm .
i’m muting this . if you have anything to say dm me / use my cc <3
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