Dear @swankmotron when John Boyega came out and risked his career to say that Disney Lucasfilm sidelined him in the sequels because of a "Reordered character hierarchy" after TFA, you should've stopped at "I wish John Boyega could have been treated better"
For reference, if you have wondered where all the negative fandom takes and the gaslighting of fans who were trying to point out how Finn was being treated during the actual production of the sequels, just look at Bryan Young's Twitter history regarding Finn
There there's how he views Finn as a character, never taking a moment to damn any action of his in TFA or paint him in a negative light while also holding punches with Kylo
Bryan Young was/is a writer who had a good deal of influence on how the Star Wars Community saw Finn. He used that influence to push negative commentary about him while viewing the sidelining that many fans pointed out as them "writing a fanfiction.
I usually try to stay positive on my Twitter account for the most part, but when came to Black fans and fans, in general, trying to shed light on the negative commentary surrounding Finn, Young didn't just ignore it, he created the narratives more often than not
For context as well, this is not a reflection on anyone who likes TLJ. This is a reflection of a time and place to start talking over people in regards to subjects you have no place being in.

This isn't me trying to make this a TLJ hate fest.
I have maintained and I will always maintain if you love TLJ, as a fan, that's your right to do so. Likewise with TFA and TROS. Likewise, if you wanna criticize them as well, as long as the criticism or praise comes from good faith
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