. @MountAllison suspends a prof for racism, even tho no one is even pretending that they've identified any actual racist statement
all they can pin on her is that she doesn't think canada is racist (she's Arab, btw), & doesn't care much for BLM's self-described Marxist orientation https://twitter.com/CBCNB/status/1390428274644471810
Meanwhile, white @MountAllison students are demanding that this Arab Canadian woman be fired and further shamed. They're especially mad that she's defending herself
I believe this is called #whitefragility
I wrote about the back story here a few months ago
As noted, she's originally from Beirut
Her whole point is that she doesn't want canada to slide into the same race-conscious divisions as Lebanon
This is why pampered white wokesters want her fired https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jonathan-kay-a-white-mob-comes-after-an-arab-canadian-professor-in-the-name-of-anti-racism
You can follow @jonkay.
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