My grandparents collie, who they adopted and saved from the brink of death when she was four, is 15 years old. The vet she saw today was shocked when she saw her age on her records.
She’s arthritic, has dementia and occasional mild seizures, but is not in pain and is so happy and as healthy as possible in her condition. She’s so loved and loving. My Nan has told our vet to tell her when it’s her time because she obviously doesn’t want her to suffer.
I just think it’s incredible how much they changed her life for the better and how incredible both my grandparents and their dog is.
My Nan was scared today and was prepared for the worst but the vet said it isn’t her time yet, so they are just continuing to live every day with her to the fullest. I hope that I can bring barty to visit her again soon for their cuddles.
My family has been lucky to have animals live long and happy lives. From our first jack Russell who lived to 19, our cat who lived to 21, my grandparents old German shepherd cross Alsatian who lived to 19 and several hamsters who passed the age of 5.
Obviously not all of them have been fortunate, but we are still so blessed to have had them in our lives.
There isn’t really much point to this thread and I’m probably talking shit but I’m just reminiscing and feeling grateful for growing up surrounded by love from both humans and non human creatures.
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