The prison and psychiatric industrial complexes both operate from a carceral logic that is centered around the belief that if you do not comply, behave, perform, or act the “right” way, your body is not yours + someone else gets to make the decisions about what happens to you.
This logic + practice is present in all sites of carceral confinement, including nursing facilities, long term “care” facilities, residential “treatment” facilities, prisons and jails, psychiatric prisons and institutions, and group “homes.”
Too many people do not see the important links between policing, state-sanctioned violence, + psychiatric abuse, violence and incarceration. These systems (and providers) perpetuate the same patterns of violence we seek to prevent in interpersonal relationships.
This is nothing new. This is nothing many abolitionists haven’t said before me, specifically Black Disabled folks. Patterns of violence replicate themselves in as many places as they can find.
We cannot possibly find the healing we deserve in a mental health system so rotten to its core— built on white supremacist, anti-Black, ableist, patriarchal, eugenicist etc. notions of what it means to be sane + “well”. It’s time to burn the ground and build something new.
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