tw // police brutality / violence / murder / graphic videos and images

updated thread (may 6th) of the situation in colombia with donation links for international people âť•

if you didn’t know, colombia has been protesting nonstop for over nine days now, and the consequences of the brutality by the police forces are unbelievable. people have been killed, injured and even gone missing since the protests started on april the 28th
A few days ago, Netblocks confirmed a disruption in the internet connection in Sil0e, a comuna in C4li, one of the largest cities that have been heavily impacted by the violence resulting from confrontations with police forces.
They are basically banning people from going live and posting information about the abuse, attacks and murders that have happened in the city at night so no one can see.
yes, this is not a movie. this is a real video of what people living in C4li have been going through.
Even though the president Ivan Duque affirmed on saturday the tax reform was going to be taken down, the request for the congress is STILL AVAILABLE. THEY HAVE NOT TAKEN IT DOWN.
The president’s political party Centro Democrático advised to put the country on a state of “internal commotion” article by the constitution that among other things, will allow:
1.police forces to conduct home inspections without any warrant
2.the president to suspend legal position of regional leaders (majors and governors), restrict protests and assume control of media channels for up to 90 days. absolutely terrifying.
Anonymous has hacked and taken down varios governmental websites such as the presidency, army, police, senate, DIAN and CORPON; and even hacked the police internal radio frequencies.
violence in Sil0e has not stopped. they are now using actual gun equipment to shot at civilians.
the situation in b0gota hasn’t been easy either, this videos are real. this videos are from people that are suffering confrontations with the ESMAD.
on may 4th, a police station was burned down and people were locked inside. fortunately, they got out and they didn’t lose their lives that night.
tw // graphic video

in barranquilla, this person was attacked with waterjets from police armored tanks, causing him a seizure. he is alive but unfortunately he has brain damage.
last night, in pereira, two people were shot and one of them was killed by “unknown” people. the city’s major a day before gave authorization to people to “create groups to defends themselves of the hooligans”.
There are pictures of Lucas in the protests early that day in Pereira. You can see him saluting the ESMAD. and he got MURDERED. a precious life that was taken away from us.
at the same time in m3dellin, people lost internet connection and police armored tanks were seen attacking protestors and PARAMEDICS.
this morning anonymous also confirmed the censorship of thousands of colombians and how instagram and twitter posts have been shadowbanned or taken down. THEY ARE SILENCING US.
ARE WE REALLY ASSESING THE DIMENSION OF THE SITUATION? Here it is a clear comparison WORLDWIDE. It has been only NINE DAYS of protests.
now, what can you do to help? thread of tweets with international donations of each cause:
tweet of paypal accounts so you can donate as well:
and, of course, threads of context on why we are protesting:
more context just in case you have been living inside a bubble:
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