

1. This type of twitter thread shouldn't even exist.

It's abnormal not to be patriotic. The people continually berating England or the UK are odd balls.
2. Listen to any US Dem or Rep President & the narrative is US first. Doesn't matter if they're a globalist such as Obama, it was still America first. And pro family too. It's the same everywhere & goes without thinking.
3. The EU made fondness of one's country a sin because:

a) The German influence & guilt following WWII, &
b) A federalist Europe requires less diversity of nations among member states. A homogenous blob created to form an economic super state, bugger the people & their cultures.
4. It's no use they point at the extremists & say "look what nationalism causes". They might as well point at a serial killer and say "look, he liked reading thrillers, look what you'll turn into if you read dark novels".
5. There's no-one laughs harder at themselves than Brits. Billy Connolly made a successful career out of mocking our ideosyncracies & we all laughed along with him & it made us feel warm & comfortable in our own skins.
6. Instead politicians seem obsessed with guilt. Too eager to jump on woke bandwagons, only to find they've backed an extreme cause. Race & extreme environmentalism, guilt is their oxygen.
7. The thing is, most people don't want to go through life feeling guilty & miserable & bitter.

That is why Labour have taken another hit today. People are sick of being told they & their country are an embarrassment.
8. It's got to stop. Now.

It's not normal & it's not healthy.

We should have what other countries take for granted: Leaders who believe in their country & have a vision how to make it better for all of us.

That should go without saying!
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