HBomb addressing the shit a thread
- "I made the joke get behind me Big Purp and everyone started getting upset and qrting me saying not like this/we thought you were one of us"

- "I'm not someone who thinks i need to protect 24 year old men... I won't tweet at them i'll tell them in person"
- "So I responded I don't like toxic/cringy qrts"

- paraphrase "With that being said it started an onslaught and i pissed off an entire fandom deserved maybe/maybe not"

- I was watching an animatic and there was a clip of wilbur and tommy very close together and with that it brought back memories of when i was on the CubeSMP... with that i did how we used to react to it, i guarantee there's pictures of that on twitter and stuff
- paraphrase I didn't think about the boundaries of other creators

- I sexualized them in a way and I shouldn't have, I thought I said sorry but maybe i didn't; so i'm saying sorry so what i did today i called Tommy and apologized and told him not to talk about it on stream
- Don't stand up for him it brings up more drama, he doesn't want Tommy involved
Tone indicators

- I don't know much about tone indicators, i only see /j and people replying calling me "old /j" i don't like those tweets

- People use tone indicators for other things, good things, to make sure they know what they were doing. It was wrong for me to say
- That is my fault. As far as i'm aware that's why people are angry
- I started blockign people and it really upset people, I wasn't going to respond on Twitter i was going to stream because it was more "mature" than just tweeting

- And i started blocking people, went through minx & moonsey (?)'s tweets and blocked people who sent hatred
- My followers I am going to say this - don't go after people trying to make me look bad, I am an adult, 27 y.o's, if i make myself look bad it's my fault and if i can't handle it i'm fucked
- "Don't respond to people being mad at me, to people who genuinely thought i was a pedophile you should've gone to the police actually that is very fucking serious"

- You can be mad at me all you want I called you toxic and cringe, if you don't feel that way that's fine
Try to have some nice things to say in your life rather than bad things
That's it
My summary he didn't really say sorry for mocking tone indicators and he doesn't really understand the root of the problem as to why we are mad at him. Atleast he apologized to tommy in person about That Clip and doesn't want his followers defending him on the internet
but he never really talks about the root issue of why we are mad and makes it seem like "twitter stans just mad and the internet hates me LOL"
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