Please do not overlook this:

Video games have their own language. You learn that angry red bit is an enemy weak spot, you learn the terms for multiplayers, you learn the difference between R2 and R3. No one is born with this. It's a language that you learn if willing.
Some people are better at learning languages, and some people are better at learning gaming skills. That doesn't make you less of a gamer.
Pls stop making difficulty a reason to "git good." MOST people who speak English couldn't write a bestseller, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't write! A LOT of people aren't good at games, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to play!
Everyone should be allowed to do what they enjoy. Difficulty discourse is daft. If you want to be recognised as A Real Gamer because you have a platinum on Survivor, games should show that in your screenshots and gameplay. Let people play for fun and not clout if they want to
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