A protective mask won’t work to its full potential if it is riddled with holes. Neither will a health care system that covers some people and leaves others behind. The system can only work for everyone if it includes everyone. 2/7
There has never been a better time — or a stronger case — for covering all Californians than there is right now. We should start by extending Medi-Cal to all Californians with low incomes, regardless of immigration status. 3/7
Undocumented immigrants have deep roots in California communities and make major contributions to our economy, the nation’s largest and most successful state economy. Nearly 2.5 million US citizens in California live with undocumented family members. 4/7
Our exclusionary approach to health care coverage creates significant problems for these mixed-status families. When some family members have coverage and others do not, the whole family suffers. 5/7
A strong and growing majority of Californians (66%) now favor providing health care to undocumented Californians. Officials expect a $15 billion budget surplus in the next fiscal year, according to the most recent forecast. 6/7
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