POV: You get Mindslaver locked in a hypnohorny way
Magic's such a hard game isn't it? So much math and so many strategic decisions to make, having to stop and consider complex rules interactions and layers, predict the likelihood of certain events occurring...
It would be a lot less strenuous if someone else were doing all that for you, wouldn't it? Handing off all that conflict so you weren't bogged down in all the minutia. Weighed down by the complexity.
Don't worry about how that someone is your opponent. Disagreements are so taxing-- they wear you out so easily. And competition is hard. If you don't want things to be so hard you need to give up on that and follow their direction.
It's easier to cast that Thoughtseize on yourself. You only have one other card left, so there's no choice to make. No heavy, complicated options to weigh. It's a perfectly simple play to make. Doesn't that make sense?
That fetchland that lets you search for a swamp *or* a forest? You've got so many lands that fit those criteria-- how could you ever possibly choose one out of all of them? Just sacrifice it and fail to find anything. That's a perfectly valid play. Perfectly. Simple.
Now it's time for you to attack. You glance at your creatures but all the numbers on them are jumbled up. Just swing all out-- math is for blockers anyway! Isn't that easy? You haven't had to do any math at all this turn so why start now? Swing swing swing!
See how clear your board is now? The fewer permanents you have, the simpler everything gets. Go to your end step, and thank the wonderful person sitting across from you for their help clearing all those complexities out of your mind.
Then watch them activate their Academy Ruins so they can keep helping you, again and agan and again...
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